Comprehensive Plan

Join us in creating a shared vision for Miramar's growth over the next 10 to 20 years. The city is updating its Comprehensive Plan, a blueprint to guide development, transportation, public spaces, and sustainability. We need your input to make sure it aligns with the needs and values of our community.

The Comprehensive Plan of the City of Miramar is the ultimate regulatory authority governing all land development activities in the City. It set out principles, guidelines, standards and strategies arranged in goals, objectives and policies, and supported by data and analyses, which promote the orderly growth and development of the City, in close conformance with the BrowardNext - Broward County Land Use Plan (BCLUP) (Pursuant to ss. 163.3177 and 163.3178, Florida Statutes).

The Comprehensive Plan is composed of two (2) separate parts, but a highly inter-related document:

  • Part 1 - Goals, Objectives and Policies (GOPs) of the Comprehensive Plan (PDF)(PDF, 7MB) - identifies and describes the City’s programs, activities and land development regulations that are to be part of the strategy for implementing the Comprehensive Plan in a consistent manner. These GOPs establish meaningful and predictable standards for the use of and development of land, providing the overall policy framework from which zoning and other land development and uses regulations can be developed. Part 1 also contains a Future Land Use Map (FLUM)(PDF, 5MB), which depicts the proposed distribution, extent and location of residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, conservation, educational and public uses. Pursuant to state statute, Part 1 and any amendment thereof shall be formally adopted by the Miramar City Commission, pursuant to the provisions set forth in Chapter 163, Part II, F.S., and Rule 73C-49, FAC, as well as Section 8.05D and E of the Broward County Charter.
  • Part 2 - Supporting Document: Data and Analysis of Community Development & Improvement Plans and Trends (PDF)(PDF, 8MB) - provides the foundation for the development of the GOPs of the different Elements in Part 1 of the Comprehensive Plan. State statute requires the supporting data and analyses contained therein be based upon relevant and appropriate data collected from professionally accepted sources. Part 2 is not formally adopted by the Miramar City Commission.

Comprehensive Plan Survey Flyer

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