WWRF Switchgear PLC System Upgrade
The Waste Water Reclamation Facility's (WWRF) Electrical Switchgear System was constructed in 1997. It provides emergency power from four (4) stationary generators to the wastewater treatment processes and office buildings when Florida Power & Light (FPL) power is unavailable or unstable. The switch-over between the four (4) generators and FPL power is automatically controlled by a General Electric (GE) Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) system. The PLC system became obsolete when GE discontinue to manufacture the PLC parts in 2011. The project will upgrade the obsoleted GE PLC with the latest GE RX3i PLC model, which includes processors, graphical user interface, Input and Output modules, Communication modules and power supply modules.
March 2020 - Quote approved by Procurement Department. Preparing agenda items for commission approval.
February 2020 - Quote is being reviewed by Procurement Department.
January 2020 - As of 1/14/2020, quote is still being reviewed.
December 2019 - Received quote from manufacturer representative. Quote is being reviewed.
November 2019 - Requesting quote from manufacturer representative.