Standby Generators for Lift Stations

Public Notice

  • 4337-020 8517 Beekman Drive
  • 4337-021 2654 DeSoto Drive

This Project entails the installation of new standby generators and appurtenances associated for Lift Stations C,No. 6 and No. 7 to be used for emergency backup power. The project locations are as follows: Lift Station No. 7 is located at 8517 Beekman Drive; Lift Station No. 6 is located at 2654 West Desoto Drive; and Lift Station C is located 3417 Hibiscus Place, Miramar 33023.

March 2020 - On January we went to the Commission to accept grant funding for lift stations C, 6 & 7. The grant agreement for lift stations C & 6 have been executed by all parties. The agreement for Lift Station 7 is being processed internally and will be forwarded to the State once completed.

February 2020 - Marcelin is out of office but it is confirmed that this project still continues as scheduled. More specific updates will be provided in March.

January 2020 - As of 1/14/2020, the agreements for lift stations C and 6 are still with FDEM. Staff submitted quarterly report to FDEM. Lift stations C, 6 & 7 agenda item to accept the grant awards has been prepared and ready for Commission meeting. Lift Station 6 agenda item has been postponed.

December 2019 - As of 12/10/2019, Agreements for Lift Stations C and 6 have been sent to FDEM for signatures. FDEM has requested a letter from City Manager authorizing director Virgin's signatures on the agreements for lift stations C and 6. Otherwise, the agreements will be returned for CM's signature.

November 2019 - As of 11/12/2019, Letter of authorization has been executed and sent to FDEM. Contract for Lift Station 6 is executed and staff to forward to FDEM. FY20 funds can only cover two of the three lift stations. Staff will have to go to commission for additional funds for the third station.

October 2019 - As of 10/7/2019, Letter of Authorization still flowing through the process for mayor's signature to grant City manager authority to sign the contracts.

September 2019 - As of 9/5/2019, City grant liaison personnel still working on having the agreement sign by the respective City of authority.

August 2019 - As of 8/6/2019, The City received the agreement from the State for Lift Station C under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. The agreement needs to be executed prior to performing any work at Lift Station C. The City grant Liaison personnel is currently working on having the agreement signed by the respective City authority.

July 2019 - As of 7/3/2019, PO for the agenda lift station C and 7 Standby Generators project is being processed. The Public notices for llift station C, 6 and 7 were posted on the website for 15 days and the State was notified on the posting to satisfy the Public Notice of the grant program requirement.City met the 15 days Public Notice requirement and the State had notified the City to take the Public Notice down since the period of the notification was met.

June 2019 - As of 6/6/2019 agenda was approved by Commission on May 15, 2019. Staff has begun the PO process. Hazard Grant Mitigation Program: Staff responded to the State RFI Public notice for Lift Station C was approved by the State and has been posted to City website.

May 2019 - As of 5/2/2019, FY19 agenda item has been scheduled for commission meeting on 5/15/19. Staff has identified the following basin(s) area for FY19: 0020, 00D,00G and 001.

April 2019 - As of 4/1/2019 Agenda item for commission meeting is on pause. Schedule date TBD.

March 2019 - As of 2/28/2019 the agenda item to piggyback City of Miami Beach contract was not presented at the Commission meeting of February 20th. Next schedule TBD.

February 2019 - As of 2/5/2019, procurement reviewed the City of Miami Beach contract and found nothing that would preclude the City from piggybacking the contract. Staff prepared the agenda item to piggyback City of Miami Beach slated for Commission meeting on February 20th, 2019.

January 2019 - As of 12/26/2018 , City of Miami Beach contract was identified as the best suitable use for this project and the City's Procurement Department is in the process of obtaining approval to "piggy-back".

December 2018 - Staff preparing a scope and will work with Procurement to develop an IFB for the project in December and will advertise the package in January 2019.

November 2018 - As 11/28/2018, staff is developing the scope of work for Lift Station #7 in FY19 and will submit to Procurement for review. Anticipate advertising the IFB in late December. Working with Emergency Management, staff has received no updates on the HMGP grant per the City's liaison.