EWTP Process Enhancement Renovations
Project to install nanofiltration membrane treatment at the East Water Treatment Plant (EWTP). The first phase incorporates preliminary design to identify requirements for the addition of a three (3) Million Gallons per Day (MGD) nanofiltration capacity system inside the existing chemical building at the EWTP, and future planning for up to 6 MGD of membrane treatment. Project will also include final design, permitting and construction of first 3 MGD phase by 2017.
March 2020 - CROM has completed the last coat of shorcrete over the prestress wires of the Ground Storage Tank. Contractor continued the final application of shortcrete on the exterior of the Tank and at the same time forming the top eifis band at the top of the tank. Contractor also installed 10 additional fence columns around the plant. Stucco work is still in progress on the upper top of the Admin Building. Contractor has been having issue obtaining permit for this project. A meeting has been scheduled at the request of ACM Baker to go over the issues with the contractor and Building officials. Meeting has been scheduled for March 11, 2020. The Admin Building roof is leaking after existing stucco has been removed. At the request of the City, contractor has submitted two quotes ( Repair and Complete replacement) respectively in the amount of $30K and $64K. Quotes are being reviewed.
February 2020 - CROM has completed the concrete shooting on the exterior of the tank, removed interior structural scaffold shoring in preparation of shooting concrete on the interior walls. Contractor completed the demolition of the High Service Pump #3, formed and poured new concrete slab. Other concrete pouring includes fillets around the area of the administration building that was cut during the demolition and sidewalks on the north side of the Admin Bldg. Contractor has also removed the existing fence columns around building B&C so surveyor can layout for new columns. Stucco work on the lower area of the Admin and the sludge buildings is in progress. Fence column footings at Fogg Road were poured. Fence columns work at Fogg Road is in progress. Contractor planned to submit request for change in contract time as the anticipated date for the generator set delivery date is scheduled for 7/6/2020.
January 2020 - Wharton Smith has been instructed to proceed with the removal and replacement in kind of the existing generator system at Fogg Road. The existing high service pumps to be replaced at a later time. Met with contractor at Fogg Road site to review the plans for the proposed irrigation system and the landscaping. GMP did not include landscaping plans for Fogg Road. The storage tank construction is in progress.
December 2019 - The permits for the perimeter fences for both Fogg Road and the EWTP have been issued. High service Pumps analysis is under review to determine the discrepancy between the existing generator output size vs the new. Wharton Smith is working on proposal for Fogg Road pumps replacement. Site security scope has been revised and new cost proposal is pending. Wharton Smith completed the demolition of the existing lime facility. Contractor begins back filling and compacting sub-grade for the new storage tank.
November 2019 - The City is still waiting on the CES Consultants to provide the documentation to close the project. An email was sent to the Consultant on 11/12/19 addressing the issue. The Contractor claimed submitted all the documentations to CES and now is waiting for the release of final payment.
October 2019 - The City has sent a letter to the consultants and the contractor addressing the delay in getting all the documentation to close the project. The delay according to the Contractor is due to getting the final as-built completed by his surveyor. Contractor proposed to get the project closed by the end of October.
August 2019 - Settlement to V-Engineering claim has been reached and paid for. This is related to construction delay claims by the Contractor and liquidated damages by the City. Contractor completed remaining punch list items before the project closeout and all retainage payments released.
July 2019 - Proposed settlement is being reviewed by the City legal. CES is compiling closeout documents to submit to Broward County.
June 2019 - Draft settlement agreement between the Contractor and the City is in progress. The City wants the Contractor to be responsible for all punch list items except for sod.
May 2019 - Contractor has completed the membrane installation, the performance testing, and the five-day testing. Water quality sampling for all trains have been collected and FDEP clearance issued. Injection well clearance package was submitted to FDEP and certificate of clearance is pending. Notification was sent to residents informing them of the transition from chloramine to free chlorine. Switching from lime softening to Nano filtration is contingent on DIW approval. Existing wells abandonment is also contingent to the blending process. WSI is working on a schedule with FPL for decommissioning exiting vault. Removing and replacing existing building B roof is pending permit issuance. Phase 2A: Walk-through was conducted at the existing plant to identify salvageable items prior to demolition. Contractor to coordinate with City and Broward County for the existing chemical system removal, such as phosphate, fluoride, sodium hypochlorite, and Ammonia.
April 2019 - GAI has submitted all documentations for concentrate line and RPS clearance to DEP. Installation of membranes is completed. Performance testing including programming and calibration of defective instruments is completed. Contractor has scheduled to complete the 5-day testing on 4/5/19. Depending on water quality
March 2019 - Wharton Smith Inc. has all documentation for the Deep injection well including the force main and the Reject Pump station to the consultant who is now in the process of submitting for clearance. The contractor continued working on stat-up and the transition plan from lime to Nanofiltration system. Global loop checking has been completed. The installation of membranes has been schedule for the week of March 18, 2019. The contractor has also proposed to restore the area of the deep injection well that same week. The employee training has been coordinated to be done in two sessions to accommodate both the west and the east plants employees and scheduled for the second week of April pending all testings and start-up sequences are successful.
February 2019 - The contractor has completed the disinfection of the raw water line and well no 1 including the installation of the instruments. The disinfection of the offsite wells #3 & #4 has also been completed. The antenna and tower installation have been completed. The light fixture installation at the offsite wells is currently in progress. The monitor well pad and the GPS concrete pad at the Deep injection well have been poured including the installation of the antenna. Contractor has completed the startup process of both the generator and fuel system. The following works have been completed inside building “B” such as the installation of eye wash stations, the startup of the chemical skids with water, the installation of the master antenna, and the Nano filtration system functional testing. The contractor has scheduled to conduct an additional startup of the chemicals following with the installation of the membranes.
January 2019 - Florida Power & Light has connected the power source to the offsite transformer to energize the electrical system. The contractor completed the installation of the stainless steel piping for both Wells No. 3 and No. 4 including the installation of the instrumentation. The Contractor is currently prepping for chemical carrier line testing. The electrical contractor terminated wires for PIT’s and PSI’s in feed trench and started to set surge for fluoride and antiscalant tanks and continued terminating wires at PCP2A. The installation supporting the skid trench piping is in progress inside Building B. The Contractor has finished welding up the 20-inch stainless steel pipe on the north side wall outside Building B. The new Sodium Hypochlorite Control Panel TFS-4A outside the north end of Building B has been damaged and WS is procuring a new one. Contractor provided updated Transition Plan Lime to Nanofiltration System; EWTP Start-up Sequence; Start-up and Testing Plan; and Proposed Water Quality Standards for review and information.
December 2018 - Contractor has completed the installation of discharge piping including the installation of instruments for the reject pump station. Preliminary start up test was conducted on the RPS pumps for rotation, RPM, and AMP. Startup was also conducted on well #1. Two-day BAC-T samples have been collected for well #1. HVAC equipment installation is completed at both building B&C. Contractor is currently pulling and terminating wires in building C. Contractor has completed the stucco application and painted the south wall of building C. Broward DEP and GAI were onsite to witness pressure test for fuel piping lines and vacuum test for the new tank and GAI was also onsite to witness testing which all passed (vacuum test at -30 psi and pressure on lines at 62 psi). Contractor is currently working in the trench skids piping inside building B. The following activities have been completed in building B: the installation of the 8” RW discharge at the feed pumps, the installation of the eye wash station, and the portable water line. Contractor has also completed the installation of the above ground pigging piping line at the deep injection well. All pipe support bases have been poured, but vertical supports are still pending. Phase 2A: Anticipate Awarding the Phase 2A construction contract in February 2019 based on the developed GMP.
November 2018 - WSI completed the concrete generator and fuel tank pad. The generator and fuel tank were delivered and set in place on October 24, 2018. Generator has been anchored on the concrete pad; fuel tank has been anchored on the concrete pad. The contractor installed the unistruts for trench piping. They installed the eye wash station in the chemical room. WSI also has started the installation of the stairway within the reject pump station. Youngquist Brothers has been prepping for the well testing by installing the required equipment at Well #1. WSI has been welding pipe supports on the walls within Building B. HVAC equipment installation is in progress at both Buildings B & C. The onsite electrical transformer has been delivered and installed. The termination of the onsite transformer is pending the energizing and inspection of the FP&L meter. Wells #1, 2 and 3 stainless steel piping has been installed. Youngquist Brothers has been prepping and setting equipment to start the disinfection of the new production wells. The production well pumps have not been installed to date. The electrical contractor continued the process of wire pulling and termination at both Building B and C. A site meeting was held with WSI and subcontractor to identify and locate all existing wells to be abandoned within the project.
October 2018 - The well sub-contractor (Youngquist Brothers, Inc.) has completed the demobilization process, cleaned up, regraded, and restored the staging area. Southern Underground has tied-in the 12-inch reject line to the pigging station riser at the Deep Injection Well. The Contractor had to pour a concrete cap over the existing pipe crossing (existing water main) at the entrance of the master pump station area due to shallow cover. The pressure test on that segment of the reject line is still pending. Southern Underground also completed the installation of the tapping sleeve and valve on the existing force main at the master pump station and is preparing for the above ground pigging station installation. The Prime Contractor (WSI) completed the installation of the Nano Skids 3 & 4 and Nano trains 1 & 2. WSI completed the feed room chemical piping and poured concrete to all feed pump pads, including the stair pad of the reject pump station. WSI started the suction pipe installation at the reject pump station. The above ground riser piping of onsite Well #1 is completed, and contractor has set up the offsite Well #3 for the above ground riser piping. The Contractor has installed the temporary generator, transferred fuel from the existing fuel tank to the temporary generator, and removed the existing generator, which has been delivered to the West Water Treatment Plant for an upcoming auction conducted by City Procurement. Stucco contractor has completed the stucco application on the exterior walls of the reject pump station, and started the application of stucco on the exterior walls of the building extension.