
Photo of an Award

Peacock Award 2012

Presented by the Broward League of Cities for the Early Childhood Program building beautification project "bloom where you are planted" at Sunset Lakes Child Care Center.

Community Spirit Award 2011

Presented by the Broward League of Cities for Community Services Senior Program and Early Childhood Program Inter-generational Activities.

Community for a Lifetime
Communities for a Lifetime is a statewide initiative, begun in 1999, that assists Florida cities, towns and counties in planning and implementing improvements that benefit their residents, youthful or elder. Learn more about Communities for a Lifetime.

Excellence Award
Presented by the National Council on Aging

Florence R. Goldmann Award
Presented by the Florida Association of Senior Centers

35 Year Full Fare Share Advocacy Award 2015
Presented by the Area Wide Council on Aging


The City of Miramar is a leader in intergenerational programming.

The Miramar Senior Services Division and Early Childhood Division have partnered to serve the community "rocking chair to rocking chair" by creating dynamic and innovative intergenerational programs that foster common experiences and build bridges across generational lines.