Best Management Practice
Best Management Practices is a term used to describe different ways to keep pollutants out of runoff and to slow down high volumes of runoff.
Stormwater runoff is water from rain that runs off across the land instead of seeping into the ground. This runoff usually flows into the nearest canal, lake or ocean. The runoff is generally not treated. Stormwater runoff can convey more than just water to canals, rivers, and lakes. It carries pollutants including dirt, grease, trash and more from roads, parking lots and other hard surfaces right into storm drains and ditches. They empty directly into our waterways. Storm water can also carry excess nutrients, like phosphorus, which turns our canals, lakes and streams green and smelly and harms fish, plants and other wildlife.
From Agricultural Land and Lawns
- Fertilizer
- Herbicides
- Insecticides
From Paved Roads and Parking Lots
- Oil
- Grease
- Toxic Chemicals
Sediments From
- Any area without ground cover
- Construction sites
- Impact areas
Bacteria and Nutrients From
- Faulty septic systems
- Livestock
- Pet and wildlife waste