Capital Projects
Citywide Embankment Stabilization and Stormwater Management
Project Scope: Replacement of drainage ditch, culverts, and associated structures

Historic Miramar Canal Improvements (City Owned)
Project Scope: Restoring integrity of embankments along City owned canals
Landscape & Beautification
Project Scope: Improving right-of-way aesthetics with sustainable landscaping. This project is to improve the landscaping and irrigation within the right-of-way of University Drive between the Florida Turnpike and Pembroke Road.
Citywide Streetlights Upgrade with LED Lighting
Project Scope: Conversion of high pressure sodium (HPS) streetlights to light-emitting diode (LED) streetlights
Street Construction & Resurfacing
Project Scope: Resurfacing of City roadways including asphalt overlay, (milling if necessary), and stripping.
Area-wide Drainage Improvements – Phases IV, V, VI
Project Scope: Construction of drainage related system improvements
General Area: East - University Drive, South - Pembroke Road, West - State Road 7/US441, and North - County Line Road