Bid Opportunities
The City utilizes Onvia DemandStar to maintain our vendor database and provide electronic notification of our Solicitation opportunities. Each vendor is categorized by NIGP commodity codes for the specific goods or services offered by the vendor. Businesses who have registered are notified electronically whenever the City requests a quotation or has issued a formal Solicitation for a commodity or service offered by the vendor.
Registration on Onvia DemandStar for a subscription that includes the City of Miramar, alone, is free of charge and is not required in order to submit a bid or offer. While registration to receive notification of the City of Miramar Solicitations is free of charge. Notification services for additional governmental agencies' solicitations are available at a fee.
You may register for Onvia DemandStar services online. If you would like to register for your free notification service of purchase solicitations issued by the City of Miramar through Onvia DemandStar, once you are logged onto the DemandStar webpage, select the "Onvia DemandStar Free Agency" option. On the form that opens, furnish the pertinent information for your business, be sure to enter "City of Miramar" in the Agency Name field.
The City also advertises our Solicitations opportunities in the local newspapers.
Subscribing to an Onvia DemandStar subscription service is not required to obtain copies of the City's Solicitation document packages. However, having a username and password for the Onvia DemandStar website is required to be able to electronically download documents from the site. You may call Onvia Supplier Services at 800-711-1712 for general information and technical assistance with the website.