LGBTQIA Safe Place Program
The Miramar Police Department is pleased to announce a new safety campaign for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA) community called the LGBTQIA Safe Place Initiative. LGBTQIA Americans are part of every local community. Discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation and gender identity continues to be pervasive throughout the United States. Such harassment can be extremely traumatic to teenagers and young adults and may often lead to aggressive bullying.
The LGBTQIA Safe Place initiative is designed to provide members of the LGBTQIA community with recognizable safe place locations throughout the city where they can go to if they are a victim of crime or are actively being bullied. Persons who seek refuge in a Safe Place location can be assured that if they are the victim of a crime, police will promptly be called.
The Miramar Police Department will provide Safe Place decals to designated city facilitates, local businesses, and other organizations for those entities to post as a symbol of safety for the victims of LGBTQIA crimes and harassment. If you own a business in Miramar and would like to participate in the program, please contact Officer James Campo at or Officer Viveky Barrios . A sample of the Safe Place decal is below.