Our Mission
To provide a wide variety of services, recreational activities and special events for youths, adults and senior residents to enhance the quality of life for Miramar residents. To continue to provide a safe and nurturing environment to play, learn and grow for people of walks of life. We pride ourselves on being able to offer activities, programs and services including; after school programs, athletic leagues, and camps throughout the year.
Visit our Classes and Programs page.
Our facilities have a variety of amenities. Please review the specific Facility page.
Our facilities have a variety of amenities. Please review our Facility pages for your answer.
Each facility and park has different operating hours. Visit our Parks page for a listing of each facility and park.
Please check the specific Facility page for additional information.
Rental Facilties Rates
Please check our Parks pages for additional information.
Please check the City's events calendar and the Parks special events Calendar for additional information.
Miramar Parks & Rec
Billy Neal Director bdneal@miramarfl.gov 954-602-3344
Janine Alleyne-Maragh Deputy Director Jpalleyne-maragh@miramarfl.gov 954-602-3342
Holly Hicks Assistant Director Hahicks@miramarfl.gov 954-602-3171