C.A.R.E. Program

Welcome to the C.A.R.E. Program!


The Comprehensive Assessment of Revenues and Expenses (C.A.R.E.) Program, is a ten-point City Manager budget initiative launched to maximize the City’s human, capital, and natural resources.  Each committee has a Chair and a Vice-Chair to implement strategies to support the City’s vision. C.A.R.E. establishes sound financial management and responsible cost-effective utilization for use of public funds.  

Implementation of the C.A.R.E. Program involves support of each committee within the ten-point plan to address City-wide focus areas.

Workplace Efficiency


The Workplace Efficiency Committee will focus on strategies to increase workforce productivity, implement programs to increase moral, professional development, and departmental trainings. The City’s motto is, “It’s Right Here in Miramar.” The City’s mission is, “The City of Miramar pledges to continuously improve the quality of life for our residents by maintaining a clean, safe, economically viable, and innovative community responsive to changing needs, while preserving its rich history.” The City’s vision is, “Miramar is a vibrant, active and progressive community fueled by an empowered workforce, technology, arts and culture; demonstrated by transparent governance, economic opportunities and exemplary city service.” This committee will focus on strategies to establish a rapport with fellow colleagues and other community leaders.

VISION: To provide strategies to increase workforce productivity, implement programs to increase morale, professional development, job enhancement, and departmental trainings.

 MISSION: to increase employee morale, productivity and efficiency within the workforce of the City of Miramar.

WORKPLACE EFFICIENCY COMMITTEE: To focus on strategies to increase workplace productivity, implement programs to increase morale, professional development, and departmental trainings.

GOALS/OBJECTIVES: Create the City of Miramar Training Academy





The Expenditures Committee will focus on strategies to counter declining ad valorem tax revenue within our City.

VISION: This committee will focus on utilizing the City funds in an effective and efficient manner that best serve our community and its customers, through obtaining true value for the products we used and the services we provide. Going forward, all contracts the City signs or procures that comes to the committee will achieve the focus of our attention.

MISSION: To consistently use the resources of the City in the most effective and efficient way possible for the highest good of our community.

EXPENDITURES COMMITTEE:  To focus on strategies to reduce expenditures and pursue maximum effectiveness and efficiencies. We will review and react to current and past expenditures helping us drive down our expenditures.





The Revenue Committee is responsible for increasing the current revenues and implementing strategies to increase sustainable revenues streams.

VISION: To successfully implement new and improve revenue streams to the City through enhancements that benefit our community, customers, and employees from the C.A.R.E. project initiates.

MISSION: We will explore any opportunity that will enhance and add value for our City by turning knowledge and understanding of information and business trends into value for our City and community as a whole.


Public / Private Partnership (P3)



The Public / Private Partnership committee will seek relationships within the private sector for the purpose of completing projects that will serve the public. These public / private partnerships can be used to finance, build, and operate projects such as public transportation networks, parks, and community initiatives. As a result, financing these projects will allow projects to be completed sooner without utilizing additional funding sources. This process will also identify budgeted items that can be converted into public/private partnerships.

VISION: to improve the economic sustainability of the city by expanding the number of partnerships/agreements between the City and the private sector.

MISSION:  The Public / Private Partnership Committee will seek relationships within the private sector for the purpose of completing projects that will serve the public. These public-private partnerships can be used to finance, build, and operate projects such as public transportation networks, parks and community initiatives.

PUBLIC / PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS COMMITTEE: To improve the economic sustainability of the City by expanding the number of partnerships/agreements between the City and the private sector.



Grants Program



The Grant Committee will focus on applying to both Discretionary & Block Grants. The committee will aim to increase the number of Federal, State, City, and private foundation grants. This will increase the number of grants awarded Citywide.

VISION: To increase grant funding to enhance City of Miramar services and programs.

MISSION: The committee will aim to increase the number of Federal, State, City, and private foundation grants.

GRANTS COMMITTEE: To identify grant opportunities that align with the mission, strategic planning goals, and resource needs of the City of Miramar.






The Reserve Committee will implement strategies to increase the reserve fund balance in Fiscal Year 2019 and increase this fund amount over the next five years. This plan can be implemented by investing funds into attractive higher fixed interest bearing accounts.

VISION: To its status as one of the premier communities in Broward County. A vibrant and financially sound community for the employees and residents alike. To be able to meet all obligations in a timely manner and to support the community in its endeavor to uplift itself for the betterment of all.

MISSION: To ensure that the City of Miramar prosper and be financially able to help the City better manage its finances and employees.

RESERVES COMMITTEE:  Will implement strategies to increase the reserve fund balance in Fiscal Year 2019 and increase this fund amount over the next five years. This plan can be implemented by utilizing higher fixed interest bearing accounts.

Cash Flow
This program will help us maintain a positive cash flow to fund important projects.
We will focus on implementing strategies to increase the general fund balance set aside for future use.


Volunteer Program



The Volunteer Committee is designed to coordinate and manage citywide volunteer efforts to enhance the community in which we live. The program addresses community service needs, while placing special emphasis on the City’s program objectives. The Volunteer Program is designed to effectively match individuals and other interested parties in providing volunteer services to City Departments that have exciting and positive volunteer opportunities. We will enhance resident participation and expand the level and delivery of public service beyond staffing levels.

VISION: To create opportunities for community investment into the City of Miramar by welcoming volunteers in a variety of roles to support residents, client services, and employees.

MISSION: To coordinate and manage citywide volunteer efforts to enhance the community.

VOLUNTEER PROGRAM COMMITTEE: To coordinate and manage citywide volunteer efforts to enhance the City of Miramar partnerships with the community.



Energy Policy



TheEnergy Policy Committeewill focus on improving energy efficiency within our facilities and operations. Some strategies will reduce energy cost in efforts to improve energy efficiency. This can be combined with transportation and community planning programs to reduce Greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, decrease energy and transportation costs. Improve air quality and public health and enhance quality of life.


Conservation Policy



The Conservation Policy Committee will ensure efficiency within the City of Miramar. The Conservation Policy Plan is a strategy or combination of strategies for reducing consumption and/or improving or maintaining the efficiency within various departments. It contains best management practice measures to try to meet the targets and goals identified within the plan. Some target indicators would be to recycle X tons of materials.

VISION: To reduce energy consumption, produce energy efficient buildings, implement energy conserving measures, reduce energy cost, and encourage green initiatives and recycling.

MISSION: To create general policies to enhance operating procedures that will produce long term savings and adopt smart practices which will be beneficial to the City of Miramar.

ENERGY & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE: To reduce energy consumption, produce energy efficient buildings, implement energy conserving measures, reduce energy cost, and encourage green initiatives and recycling.


Capital Improvement Plan


The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Committee studies proposed CIP involving major non-recurring tangible assets.

VISION: To research, create, implement and monitor the Capital Improvement Plan.

MISSION: To effectively assess and prioritize the City’s Capital Improvement Plan and identify funds to support existing and new capital improvement projects.

CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS COMMITTEE: To research, create, implement and monitor the Capital Improvement Plan


  •  Re-prioritize the projects identified previously and possibly re-allocate funding to priority projects for the coming year. 
  •  Assign the unfunded projects over the next five years in order of importance.
  •  Identify additional needed capital improvement for the city.
  •  Forward committee suggestions to the Grants Committee for funding recommendations based on the suggested recommendations.