
graphic of receiving an email
The City issues two weekly newsletters, Business Pulse and Hello Miramar, and also issues a quarterly newsletter.

Business Pulse

The Business Pulse newsletter is your weekly connection to business related information in and around the City of Miramar. Designed to keep local businesses engaged and informed, it highlights upcoming opportunities, city initiatives, resources, and events tailored to support your growth and success. Stay in the loop with the latest updates and discover how Miramar is working to foster a thriving, collaborative business environment. It is sent on Mondays.

Sign Up Here

Hello Miramar

Our weekly newsletter is your go-to source for staying informed and engaged with everything happening in Miramar. From exciting events and key projects to programs that benefit our community, we’ve got you covered.

Delivered every Tuesday and Thursday, the Thursday edition highlights upcoming events you won’t want to miss. Take advantage of all the City has to offer and help spread the word—because It’s Right Here in Miramar™ to Live, Work, and Play!

Sign Up Here

Miramar News