Understanding Your Property Taxes
How Your Tax Bill is Calculated
Your property tax amount is based on the assessed value of your property set by the Broward County Property Appraiser's Office (BCPA) and tax rates set by various taxing authorities. Taxes on real property (ad valorem and non-ad valorem) are collected annually beginning November 1 of the tax year, which is January through December.
How Much Goes to the City of Miramar?
For every tax* dollar you pay 35¢ goes to the City of Miramar while 65¢ goes to other taxing agencies in Broward County.
*Ad valorem taxes
Millage Rate
The City of Miramar is proposing to keep the tax rate at 7.1172 (no change)
Programs and Services Supported by Your Tax Dollars
Your property tax dollars help support a variety of programs and services provided by the City of Miramar. From neighborhood parks and green spaces to community shuttle service and garbage/recycling/bulk services.
Non-Ad Valorem Fees (Special Assessments)
The City of Miramar adopts non-ad valorem tax fees on an annual basis. Non-ad valorem taxes, taxes assessed by local governments which are not based on the value of real property, such as Fire and Stormwater Fees, may include special assessments.
The City of Miramar’s budget includes Fire and Stormwater fees which are a part of your total property tax bill.
Fire Assessment Fee
The annual Fire Assessment Fee for the City of Miramar, a non-ad valorem tax, is to provide a dedicated source of funding for resources critical to responding to fires and other emergencies, protecting lives, and minimizing property damage. It also helps to maintain and improve the city’s facilities, vehicles, equipment, training, and Insurance Services Office (ISO) fire ratings, which may lower your property insurance costs.
Special assessments are used by many local governments throughout Florida to assure that the fire service is adequately funded. Unlike a tax, a special assessment is developed to recover each property’s proportionate share of the costs and can only be used to fund fire services. The cost covered by the fees are apportioned by service demand (calls) that are placed on fire operations by residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional properties.
The City of Miramar’s current Fire Assessment Fee is $479.21 per year for Residential Unit and $221.44 for Mobile Home. The Non-Residential property, such as Commercial, Industrial/Warehouse, and Institutional fee is based on the rate per square foot.
For information regarding a specific property, status of homestead or other exemption, or for payment of property taxes, visit the Broward County Property Appraiser’s website or call them at 954-357-6830.
Stormwater Fee
The annual Stormwater Fee, a non-ad valorem tax, is to regulate, maintain, and manage stormwater runoff within the City. The City’s stormwater system was established as an Enterprise Fund in FY1998. It provides funding for Stormwater system operations, maintenance, construction, capital projects, debt service, and administration. In FY 2015, the City started collecting stormwater fees as non-ad valorem taxes. The Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) billing method was maintained. 1 ERU is equivalent to 3,619 square feet. There are a total of 60,794.94 ERUs throughout the City.
The current stormwater assessment rate for the City of Miramar remains unchanged at $120 per ERU.
How You Can Save - Exemption Programs
Homestead and Other Tax Saving Exemptions
The BCPA provides information on homestead and other tax saving exemptions. Call their Customer Service & Exemptions Division at 954-357-6830. You can also email them at CSEmgmt@bcpa.net or visit the BCPA website.
Filing deadline is September 18, 2024.
City of Miramar Fire Fee Hardship Exemption
The City of Miramar will accept applications for a Residential Hardship Exemption for the Fire Protection Assessment Fee for the 2024 tax year May 1st through July 31, 2024. Qualified homeowners must meet income and residence eligibility criteria. Applications are available at city facilities and by clicking here.
Frequently Asked Questions
For information regarding a specific property, status of homestead or other exemption, or for payment of property taxes, visit the Broward County Property Appraiser’s website or call them at 954-357-6830.