Management & Budget

Photo representing Business Financials

The Management and Budget Department plans, prepares and monitors the City’s annual operating and 5 year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budgets; provides financial and budgetary information for the City Manager and all city departments; is responsible for policy implementation relating to budgetary practices and control; grant accounting, construction projects analysis and accounting; prepares 5 year revenue and expenditure projections; annual pension reports; and labor negotiations financial impact schedules. This Department also provides information to Miramar residents on budget issues and taxes. The City of Miramar has received the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Award since 1990.

Mission Statement

To provide budgetary, operational and management analysis to stakeholders in order to maintain financial stability, increase operational efficiency and sustain governmental accountability.

Vision Statement

The Department of Management & Budget stewards timely, accurate, and complete information and analysis services, its members actively partnering with City leaders in guiding strategic resource allocation and development, fostering new initiatives, and supporting dynamic decision-making.

For information regarding a specific property, status of homestead or other exemption, or for payment of property taxes, visit the Broward County Property Appraiser’s website or call the Broward County Property Appraiser’s Office at 954-357-6830.

Budget reports, amendments, and summaries are available online:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the City's millage rate?

The City’s current millage rate is 7.1172.

What is a mill?

One mill is the equivalent of $1 of property taxes per $1,000 of taxable value. Taxable value is defined as the assessed value of property minus the amount of any applicable exemptions provided by the Florida Statutes or the Florida Constitution.

How much is the FY 2025 Adopted Budget?

The FY 2025 Adopted Budget for all funds totals $446,270,607.

How many employees work for the City?

The fiscal year 2025 budget includes 1,264.50 full time equivalent (FTEs). This includes: 1,183 full time, 67 part time and 14.5 seasonal part time.