Wellness Program


The City of Miramar is devoted to health and wellness and continues to embrace health plans that inspire employees and their dependents to take steps and find ways to live a healthy and active lifestyle. To promote health and wellness, the City sponsors Wellness Wednesday events every month, in addition to fun and healthy events throughout the year.

Vitality is an active, fully integrated wellness program designed to engage, encourage and reward you on your personal pathway to better health. You don’t need to be a marathon runner to participate and earn points!!! Whatever your fitness level you can set realistic goals, complete those goals and earn points.

Enrollment is easy. Download the Vitality Today app from either the Google Playstore or the Apple Store. Follow the online instructions, create your profile and you are on your way. This benefit begins on the first of the month your benefits are effective.

For easier access to information, tools, etc.; access Vitality at: powerofvitality.com on any computer.