Fire Prevention Bureau

The Bureau is a modern, cost effective provider of several life safety services.

Fire Safety Inspections

It is the duty of the Fire Prevention Bureau to annually inspect all buildings and premises in the city of Miramar. Inspections include common or public areas of condominium buildings, except the interior of private residential dwelling units, as well as all public aisles, corridors, halls, rooms, storage areas or other nonresidential areas of buildings, for the purpose of ascertaining and causing to be corrected, any condition liable to cause a fire.

Inspections are conducted to help ensure that satisfactory life safety conditions exist within a building. The condition of built-in fire protection equipment, interior finishes, exits, operation of exit doors, exit signs, fire doors, emergency lighting, exterior site, storage and special hazards are inspected. On site visits and one-on-one discussions with a property owner or manager are an important factor in eliminating potential fire problems.

Plan Review

Prior to issuing any permit for construction, erection, alteration, repair or demolition, the Fire Prevention Bureau reviews all plans in conjunction with the building department. The review of building plans provides the Fire Department with an opportunity to verify that fire protection requirements are being met prior to the completion of the building.

Site Plan Review

The site plan provides an overview of the proposed building and the surrounding area. Site plans include information such as the building's size, occupancy, required fire flow, fire lanes, fire access, hydrant placement, fire department connection placement, turning radius and laddering area.

Building Plans & Specification

Building plan review allows the Fire Prevention Bureau to ensure that buildings are constructed to provide an acceptable degree of public safety from fire and other hazardous condition. Plan review notifies the building owner of code requirements prior to building construction.


Staff members are available to explain fire codes, fire related sections of building codes and standards to assist the citizens of Miramar, professional engineers, architects, contractors and members of the building trade in their duties.

Fire Investigation

The Fire Department attempts to investigate all fires to determine fire cause. The Fire Prevention Bureau maintains qualified fire investigators who are capable of determining the origin and cause of fires. An additional focus is on identifying factors that can be used to lessen the number of fires in the future. Data from fire investigations can help enhance inspection procedures, public education programs and fire suppression activities.