Homeland Security


City of Miramar Homeland Security Mission

The City of Miramar continuously executes a comprehensive Homeland Security program that deters, defeats or mitigates the effects of an attack or emergency event and provides protection for city residents, critical assets, and materiel resources from all hazards, including chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN) or explosive attacks. The program is planned and executed in accordance with the county, regional, state and federal plans and priorities.

Florida Regional Domestic Security Task Force

The City of Miramar Fire Rescue Department is a member of the Florida Regional Domestic Security Task Force. Representatives from the Division of Emergency Management attend quarterly meetings with Region 7 partner agencies.

On September 14, Governor Bush directed Craig Fugate (DEM) and Commissioner Tim Moore (FDLE) to complete a comprehensive assessment of Florida’s capabilities to prevent, mitigate, and respond to a terrorist attack. This process resulted in 26 recommendations in 4 primary areas: Emergency Services, Critical Infrastructure, Human Services, and Public Information and Awareness.

If you require more information about any of these topics, the following are resources that may be helpful.


  • American Red Cross
  • American Red Cross: Homeland Security Advisory System Recommendations for Individuals, Families, Neighborhoods, Schools, and Businesses
  • Explanation of preparedness activities for each population