Water Rates & Fees

Water Service Reconnection

If water service is disconnected for non-payment, a disconnect/reconnect service charge of $50.00 must be paid along with the past due balance prior to restoring service. Payments to reconnect service must be received by 5 p.m. EST to be reconnected on the same day. Payments received after 5 p.m. EST will be reconnected by the end of the next business day. If the water meter is locked, a lock meter service charge of $150.00 must be paid along with the past due balance prior to reconnection. Payments to unlock the water meter must be received by 5:00 PM EST to be reconnected on the same day. Only cash payment is accepted to unlock meter. Request for reconnection made: after 5 p.m., over the weekend, or on a holiday will require payment of the disconnect/reconnect service charge of $50.00, along with the past due balance, and a $135 after-hour fee. To request an after hour reconnection, please call 954-602-HELP.

If the water meter was removed due to broken lock, a pulled meter service charge of $225.00 must be paid along with an additional $50.00 (broken lock fee) plus the past due balance prior to reconnection. Payments to reinstall the water meter must be received by 3:00 PM EST to be reconnected on the same day. Payments received to reinstall meter after 3PM EST will be reconnected by the end of the next business day, NO EXCEPTIONS. Only cash payment is accepted to reinstall meter.

To discuss your options with a Customer Service Specialist, please call 954-602-HELP.

Pool Filling Adjustments

A rate adjustment may be available for filling a swimming pool. If a customer qualifies, the adjustment will be for 12,000 gallons of sewer charges for in-ground pools and 6,000 gallons of sewer for above-ground pools. A rate of $4.85 per thousand gallons is charged for sewer.

To request a pool credit adjustment, please complete the Pool Credit Form and return to wbcustomerservice@miramarfl.gov or 954-602-3650. Should you require assistance, you may contact Customer Service at 954-602-4357.

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Rules & Restrictions