PARK FACILITIES PROJECTS: Vizcaya Park - Phase III Miramar Regional Park - Phase III Ansin Sports Complex - Phase II / III Amphitheater at Miramar Regional Park Monarch Lakes Park Shirley Branca Park Community Band Shell and Renovations Lakeshore Park Improvements River Run Park Improvements Harbour Lakes Park Police Benevolent Association/Civic Center Park Expansion INFRASTRUCTURE REDEVELOPMENT & IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: Pembroke Road Overpass Public Informational Signs Traffic Signal - Intersection of Silver Shores Blvd. and Pembroke Rd. Historic Downtown Revitalization Additional Northbound Right-Turn Lane on Dykes Rd at Miramar Parkway Historic Miramar Arts District PUBLIC BUILDINGS PROJECTS: Fire Station 107 Adult Daycare Center Historic Public Safety Complex Fire Rescue Logistics Relocation to Fire Headquarters Fire Station 84 Relocation Vicki Coceano Childcare Facility Replacement In addition, there are other Infrastructure Redevelopment CIP projects managed by Public Utilities and Public Works departments.