Engineering Services


To implement and support administration of infrastructure, City owned facilities, interdepartmental capital improvements and public/private development, through technology and sound engineering principles; and provide a high level of sustainable customer service to the residents and businesses established in the City of Miramar.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I pull a Construction Permit or Site Work Permit?

View the Development Permits documents

How to apply for a Utility right-of-way use permit?

Contact George Albury at Engineering Services at 954-602-3321 or .


How do I pull a permit to install a speed hump?

Phone 954-602-3318 or 


How do I pull a permit to install/replace a pavement?

Contact: 954-602-3305 or 


What are the 5 Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects being managed by the Engineering Services?

PARK FACILITIES PROJECTS: Vizcaya Park - Phase III Miramar Regional Park - Phase III Ansin Sports Complex - Phase II / III Amphitheater at Miramar Regional Park Monarch Lakes Park Shirley Branca Park Community Band Shell and Renovations Lakeshore Park Improvements River Run Park Improvements Harbour Lakes Park Police Benevolent Association/Civic Center Park Expansion INFRASTRUCTURE REDEVELOPMENT & IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: Pembroke Road Overpass Public Informational Signs Traffic Signal - Intersection of Silver Shores Blvd. and Pembroke Rd. Historic Downtown Revitalization Additional Northbound Right-Turn Lane on Dykes Rd at Miramar Parkway Historic Miramar Arts District PUBLIC BUILDINGS PROJECTS: Fire Station 107 Adult Daycare Center Historic Public Safety Complex Fire Rescue Logistics Relocation to Fire Headquarters Fire Station 84 Relocation Vicki Coceano Childcare Facility Replacement In addition, there are other Infrastructure Redevelopment CIP projects managed by Public Utilities and Public Works departments.

What is needed for a Shell Building permit prior to approval from Engineering Services?

Water and Sewer agreement; Water and Sewer Impact Fees; and Fire Department approval. Contact: Civil Engineer email or 954-602-3305



What is needed for an Interior Build-Out permit prior to approval from Engineering Services?

Contact: 954-602-3305 or  


How do I calculate the Engineering Fees for a new project?

Where do I view Water and Sewer Impact fees?

How do I pay for water and sewer impact fees?

Contact Joseph Jardine at Engineering Services at 954-602-3305 or .


Who do I contact for an existing As-Built plan?

Contact: 954-602-3321 or 


How do I get a copy of the Utility Atlas that includes Water & Sewer and Reuse/Reclaimed Water maps?

Contact: 954-602-3321 or 


Who signs the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Health Department applications?

The Engineer of Record must complete the forms with all the required information related to the project and the City of Miramar Plant information. Please contact Civil Engineer at 954-602-3305 or  to get latest plant info. Before submitting the forms for City signature, the forms must be signed by the Engineer of Record and the Owner. Salvador Zuniga, City Engineer, will be signing the forms on behalf of the City. The City Engineer’s contact information is phone 954-602-3323 or 


Where do I view Engineering documents for a new project?

Where do I view the Engineering Checklists for new projects?

Applications and Documents page - Checklists

Where do I view Standard Drawings?

Applications and Documents page - Drawings and Standards


Where do I view Surety Bonds documents?

Applications and Documents page -Surety Bonds/Letters of Credit

Where do I view the Project Close-Out Process documents?

Applications and Documents page - Project Close-Out

Who do I contact for Final Inspection issues?

Contact: 954-602-3308 or 


What documents are required prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy?

Contact the Building Department  and for additional requirements please view the Project Close-Out documents


How to request for traffic calming?

Contact DuSean Grant at Engineering Services at 954-602-3318 or  to submit an application.