Meeting Rules & Procedures for Public Participation

Any individual who wishes to address the City Commission may do so providing it is accomplished in an orderly manner and in accordance with the procedures outlined below.

  • Speaking on items on the Agenda:
    Individuals wishing to speak on matters that appear on the Agenda need only to raise their hand to be recognized by the Mayor. Discussion at special meetings is limited to the items referred to on the Agenda for such special meetings.

  • Other Business Items:
    Other business items are items placed on the agenda by the Mayor or a Commissioner and either are requests for the preparation of future legislation or are requests for possible direction to the Administration.

  • Speaking on items not on the Agenda - Public Participation:
    Any individual may speak on any subject pertinent to the City at the second regularly scheduled meeting of each month. Individuals must sign in on the Public Participation Sign In Sheet which is placed on the speaker's podium in the Commission Chambers. The Mayor will recognize those persons who signed in, during the Commission Meeting, under the agenda item "Public Participation".

  • Addressing Commission, manner and time: Public discussion during all items is limited to three minutes maximum per person, however, the Mayor at his/her discretion may allow more time. Each person who addresses the Commission shall step up to the speaker's podium and shall give his/her name and address for the record.