Disclosure Forms

PDF Form   Online Form   Purpose of Form 
Acceptance of Admission Tickets to Charitable Event
Acceptance of Admission  (PDF, 544KB) To be completed as appropriate by each member of the City Commission.
Advisory Opinion Request
Advisory Opinion Form (PDF)(PDF, 26KB) To be completed by an elected official when a safe harbor opinion is requested. This form is to be sent to the City Attorney who will provide a written response. If the request relates to all members of the City Commission, a separate request must be submitted by each member.
Family Member Attestation Form
Attestation Form(PDF, 194KB) To be completed as appropriate by each member of the City Commission.
Lobbyist Contact Log
Lobbyist Contact Log (PDF) To be completed by the lobbyist within three business days of lobbying regardless of the location of the lobbying activity. Contact form must be submitted whether the lobbying activity occurs in person, by telephone, by electronic communication, by video conference, or in writing.
Lobbyist Registration Form/Affidavit of Financial Disclosure
Lobbyist Form (PDF)(PDF, 344KB) To be filed annually with the City Clerk’s Office by a lobbyist prior to any contact with the City.
Outside Concurrent Employment
Outside-Concurrent Employment (PDF)(PDF, 659KB) To be completed as appropriate by each member of the City Commission.
Campaign Fundraising for Other Candidates
Fundraising for other Candidates (PDF)(PDF, 101KB) To be completed as appropriate by each member of the City Commission within 15 days after the solicitation of funds.
Charitable Contributions Fundraising
Charitable Contributions Fundraising (PDF)(PDF, 179KB) To be completed when a charitable contribution is either solicited for an organization or donated to an organization within 15 days after the solicitation or donation of funds.
Certification of Completion of Annual Ethics Training
Certification Training (PDF)(PDF, 580KB) To be completed after the required hours of Ethics Training have been met.
Certification of Completion of Annual Ethics Training- Newly Elected
Certification Training-Newly Elected (PDF)(PDF, 122KB) To be completed after the required hours of Ethics Training have been met.
Gift Reimbursement/Receipt Form
Gift Reimbursement-Receipt Form (PDF)(PDF, 70KB) To be completed by each member of the City Commission.