Resident Resources
Peruse opportunities and apply for employment within the city.
The City of Miramar Public Works Department, in cooperation with Broward County Transit, has expanded its Community Bus service by offering 4 routes.
Miramar has great programs in early childhood care.
Call Customer Service for questions regarding the city.
Through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnership (HOME), State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP), and Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) the City of Miramar offers many housing assistance programs.
Use this portal to make online payments to utility billing for your water bill.
Send your comments and questions to the city.
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In November 2014, Broward County voters approved an $800 million bond referendum that provides critically needed funding for students and schools. Broward County Public Schools has committed to investing the funding in safety, music, art, athletics, renovations, and technology (SMART) enhancements at every school! You can stay informed about the progress at the schools in Miramar's “SMART Space” on the BCPS website. It details the work being done at the schools in our city.