Founding the City

Most cities have their beginnings when either 1 man, or group of men, venture out to "start anew" and develop their own community. Some new communities use as a basis for expansion existing rail lines, roadways, or waterways. Although Miramar was founded by 1 person, A.L. Mailman, its basis for development was not transportation oriented, but rather to serve as a "bedroom" community for Miami and Fort Lauderdale.

Home Development

Mr. Mailman bought the original property he was to develop from H.D. Perry, Sr. in 1953. He built 56 homes on the property. These were inexpensive homes of concrete and flat roofs. These homes sold quickly because of the low cost of both the homes and the land, and the City of Miramar came into being.

As a point of information, Mr. H.D. Perry Sr.'s part in Miramar's history did not cease with selling of the land to Mr. Mailman for development. He is recognized as one of the foremost pioneers in the history of Miramar. His character and civic-activities influenced not only the lives of early residents, but continues to the present-day, as evidenced by the schools and parks in the City which bear his family's name. Many long-time residents fondly recall the community barbecues hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Perry during those early years. Others are grateful to Mr. Perry for the lessons in animal husbandry, which he conducted for the benefit of Miramar's youth so that they could learn something of farm life.

Road Development

The only major roads of note when Miramar was developed were U.S. 441 (a 2-laned road at that time), Hallandale Beach Boulevard to 66th Terrace and Pembroke Road (which was a dirt road) to University Drive. With these exceptions, there were no transportation routes of any kind supplying access to the new community.

Land Use

Although erratic expansion is common in new towns, Miramar's early City fathers advocated the philosophy of planned and controlled growth. Miramar is considered a leader in South Florida in development of effective land use controls, having adopted a Comprehensive Land Use Plan in 1972 before cities and counties were mandated to do so. Miramar's 1972 Comprehensive Land Use Plan and subsequent update provide the framework for the orderly development of future growth. A fact not widely known is that the residential City of Miramar is one of the largest cities in size in the State of Florida. With two-thirds of our land not yet developed, the decision to guide and control Miramar's growth remains a wise one.

Preserving the Good Life

The present Administration is dedicated to preserving the character of Miramar by enhancing the quality of life in promoting and attracting development that will enrich this community without detracting from its culture and dedication to good family living. This positive meld between business and government in their mutual concern for positive development and growth in our City is producing one of the finest cities in South Florida.