Expansion of laboratory, office space, and general building at the West Water Treatment Plant. NOVEMBER 2019 - PROJECT IS BEING HANDLED BY THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT. October 2019 - Staff is awaiting Amendment from City Manager's Office per City Clerk. September 2019 - The variance was approved. Staff has prepared an amendment to the Architect for design changes and variance work. Amendment has been routed for signature. Once amendment has been fully executed we can move forward with the project. August 2019 - Settlement to V-Engineering claim has been reached and paid for. This is related to construction delay claims by the Contractor and liquidated damages by the City. Contractor complete remaining punch list items before the project closeout and all retainage payments released. July 2019 - Proposed settlement is being reviewed by the City legal. CES is compiling closeout documents to submit to Broward County. June 2019 - Staff met with the Architect. The Health Department Variance was submitted for approval and waiting for review. Once approved we can move forward with the proposed scope of work for design revision for cost reduction. Proposed amount is $44,560. May 2019 - Meeting to be scheduled with Architect to discuss variance with Health Department and Contract Amendment for proposed scope. April 2019 - Staff is reviewing the amended proposed scope of work and fee from the architect. The revised design is to reduce the cost of the project. March 2019 - Consultant is preparing draft report. February 2019 - State is awaiting a new proposal for redesign/value engineer of laboratory in order to make a decision on what the next steps will be for this project. January 2019 - Both contractors were invited to meet with staff to discuss potential VE ideas and reasons why their bids were so much higher than our Architects estimate. Staff has since met with both and now will consider redesign of some project elements in consultation with the Architect. An Amendment to their contract will be necessary for additional design services. December 2018 - Project advertised for bids and bids were opened the week of 11/19/18 with results that doubled the estimate. Project under review. November 2018 - The bids were extended from October 31, 2018 to November 7, 2018. Staff will work with Procurement to review and process the bids. Staff will schedule the item for award at one of the January 2019 Commission meetings.
October 2018 - Advertisement for bid is scheduled for September 30, 2018. The Architect proposal to cover the lab equipment in the mechanical yard layout was reviewed and was not accepted.