West Water Plant Process Improvements
The project includes the addition of new and redesigned equipment and systems at the West WTP. Project includes numerous improvements to improve operation and reliability. Project will include a comprehensive review of plant deficiencies and design of new and improved systems, such as a new transfer pump, flushing pumps, improvements for the odor control and scavenger systems, surge protection system overhaul, concentrate disposal improvements, replacement of obsolete vessels on original Nanofiltration Trains 1-3, new sand separators, cleaning system upgrades, and spare equipment for critical systems.
March 2020 - Expecting 100% drawings to be submitted.
February 2020 - 90% drawings/specifications/cost estimate received. City's comments were sent back to Kimley-Horn on 2/6/2020. Expected 100% permit set by the end of February 2020.
January 2020 - As of 1/14/2020, no new updates.
December 2019 - AECOM has put Bid out for Mechanical Integrity Project. I have submitted all M.O.R DATA to AECOM for approval process.
November 2019 - Amendment No.1 to be approved by adding MIT services.
October 2019 - Project has been closed and unused funding to be redirected for the Mechanical Integrity Testing project.
September 2019 - No Update.
August 2019 - The consultants (AECOM) was instructed to finalize reports and close the project.The unused portion of funding will be used to undertake the MIT (Mechanical Integrity Testing) as mandated by FDEP for the plant’s operations permit. The City is still awaiting for proposal from AECOM.
June 2019 - Draft report is still at 70% complete.
May 2019 - Draft report is still at 70% complete.
April 2019 - Draft report is 70% complete and is expected to be delivered by the End of June 2019.
March 2019 - Consultant is preparing draft report.
February 2019 - Consultant is preparing draft report.
January 2019 - 60% complete. Draft report for improvements expected end of January 2019.
December 2018 - Approximately 30% complete. All site visits completed. Updated schedule provided. Expecting draft report January, 2019.
November 2018 - Assessment site visits are currently underway. Staff requested an updated schedule.
October 2018 - All available data has been provided to consultant. An updated schedule was requested. Estimated 10% complete for design portion.