Reclaim Water System Expansion WWRF
Currently, the City Waste Water Reclamation Facility (WWRF) has 4.0 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) of reclaimed water capacity permitted to meet the demands of the service area. The WWRF has a permitted treatment capacity of 12.0 MGD. This project increases the reclaimed water capacity to 6.0 MGD and will support future service within the defined region. This project incorporates additional treatment capacity within the filtration system, chlorination system and storage system. The project is in line with the City's mandate to offset on the withdrawals on the local aquifers with alternative water supplies.
March 2020 - Work completed since the last update include: Placing concrete for Duct banks 4 & 5. Removing form work from filter influent chamber. Patching tie holes and honeycombed areas. Applying waterproofing coating to the exterior face of the filter walls. Performing hydrastatic test for filter CCB structure No 5. A shutdown of the reuse station was performed to allow the contractor to demolish and install the HHP 72040 header, discharge, and suction piping. Work was not successfully completed as contractor had issue removing existing plug. Contractor will contact the manufacturer for guidance in the removal of the plug. CROM has completed the installation of the new ground storage tank, tested, and painted.
February 2020 - All filter CC basin walls have been poured and forms stripped off. Contractor is currently working on the filter chlorine Concrete Basin upper deck. Storage Tank construction is completed, and all accessories installed. Contractor has scheduled to start filling up the tank this week in prepping for the leak test. Disinfection and painting to follow once leak test is completed Project is estimated at about 50% complete.
January 2020 - The contractor has poured concrete on the electrical duct bank tie the filter basin to the electrical building. The north section compartment walls of the filter basin has been poured. The south compartment walls are scheduled to be poured this week. All rebars have inspected. Storage Tank construction including accessories installation is completed. Tank leak test and painting are still pending.
December 2019 - The new filter basin footings and walls have been poured. Form work and rebar have been installed for the filter slab on grade. Shotcrete work on the interior and exterior walls of the reuse ground storage tank has been completed. Storage tank dome has also been poured. Pre-stress wire work at the storage tank is in progress. Installation of conduits at the filter foundations and walls. The Filter chlorine contact basin slab has been formed, steel rebar inspected, and concrete scheduled to be poured.
November 2019 - Work completed for the last two weeks include: Burred, flushed, and pressure tested the 1-inch sample line. Installed form work and rebar for the filter basin foundation. Constructed inside core wall for the ground storage tank. Completed shortcrete application to inside and outside walls of the ground storage tank. Laid out conduit penetrations on the west walls of the electrical building. Work completed to date is estimated at 23%.
October 2019 - Work completed to date include the excavation of the temporary dewatering pond. The installation and pressure testing of the underground piping for the reuse storage tank No. 3. The tie-in of the 36-inch BFV and the 16-inch drain. Contractor also completed the sump pit of the reuse storage tank No. 3. The slab for the proposed Reuse Storage tank No. 3 has been formed and rebar installation completed. Concrete pouring scheduled for 10/8/19.
September 2019 - Construction trailer has been delivered on site and set. Temporary power connection is still pending permit issuance. Permit has been approved and ready for pick up. Shutdown was performed on 8/27/19 for the installation of the 36” BFV. Contractor is currently excavating to install the storage tank piping.
August 2019 - Contractor mobilized late July 2019. Preparatory site works in progress. Trailer office delivered and currently being setup.
July 2019 - First progress meeting since the issuance of the NTP was conducted. The contractor has submitted a summary for work completed and work to be performed for the upcoming four-week period. The list included the completion of the pre-construction video, locating existing utilities, and the submission for permits with the building department. The contractor has also submitted a four-week look-ahead, which included potholing for existing utilities, clearing and grubbing for construction trailers, install temporary utilities for trailers, relocate existing fire hydrant, dig temporary dewatering pond, and begin underground piping for the storage tank.
June 2019 - The contractor is working on getting all necessary permits prior to mobilize for construction.
May 2019 - Kick off meeting was held on 4/24/19 and notice to proceed issued.
April 2019 -Phase 1A has reached subtantial completion. Request was made to the EOR to submit official certification of substantial completion. Final walkthrough was conducted and punch list generated. Final as-built associated with phase 1A has been submitted for review Phase 1B- Preject was awarded to R.P. Utility & Excavation, the lowest responsible bidder and item has been scheduled for May 15, 2019 Commission Meeting.
March 2019 - Staff to schedule kick off meeting by early April 2019.
February 2019 - Agenda item prepared for 2/6/19 to award the construction contract to Wharton-Smith.
January 2019 - The agenda item for the award of the construction contract to Cardinal was withdrawn from the November 28, 2018 Commission Meeting. It has been revised to recommend award of the contract to Wharton Smith, Inc. at the 1-16-19 or 2-6-19 Commission meeting.
December 2018 - The agenda item for the award of the construction contract to Cardinal was to presented for approval at the November 28, 2018 Commission Meeting. However, a protest was filed by Wharton Smith regarding local preference, thus the item was withdrawn from consideration. Working with the Budget Department, staff prepared the required Amendment to support the additional construction and CEI (Construction Inspection Services) costs. Item was included in the FY2018 Year End Amendment which was approved at the November 28, 2018 Commission meeting. Staff successfully negotiated the Hazen scope and fee for CEI services. The CEI Services Amendment was approved in Res 19-049 for $818,245. Staff is preparing the amendment for execution as well as the change order to the purchase order.
November 2018 - Staff has prepared and loaded the agenda item to award the Plant Expansion to Cardinal Contractors for consideration and approval on the November 28, 2018 Commission Agenda. Staff worked with Budget on a Budget Amendment to support the construction and construction services costs; additional funding needed is approximately $400,000 for Plant construction, and +/- $700,000 for Construction Inspection Services (CEI). Item is included in the FY2018 Year End Amendment to be presented to Commission on November 5, 2018. Staff met with Hazen the week of October 29, 2018 to finalize the scope and fee. Staff has loaded the Engineering Services Amendment for the CEI services and it is scheduled for the November 28, 2018 Commission meeting.
October 2018 - Bids were opened on September 20, 2018 with three (3) bids. V-Engineering, Wharton Smith and Cardinal were the bidders. Procurement is evaluating the bid responses. Bids range from $5.4M to $5.55M; Engineers estimate was between a low of $4.7M to a high of $6M. The Consultant submitted their scope and fee proposal for CEI services associated with the construction services and the package is under review.