For Housing questions, please contact Community Revitalization Affiliates, Inc. at 954-939-3271
To speak with the Housing staff please email or call 954-883-5328
How We Can Help
Housing Mission Statement
To leverage the power of affordable, decent, safe, and stable housing to help communities thrive and low- and moderate-income families increase their potential for long-term economic success and sustained high quality of life.
Housing Vision Statement
To ensure that every Miramar resident, regardless of their socio-economic status, has good choices in where they live and better opportunities to reach their fullest potential.
City Property Available for Development as Affordable Housing
Pursuant to Florida Statue 166.0451 Disposition of Municipal Property for Affordable Housing, a review of the inventory list of real property owned by the City has been conducted to determine if any of these properties are surplus property appropriate for development as affordable housing. There are no properties owned by the City that are appropriate for development as affordable housing at this time.
Policy and Procedure
This is the policy and procedure(PDF, 209KB) regarding the possibility of subordinating a mortgage held by the City of Miramar in reference to refinancing/modifying a loan mortgage for a housing unit that has been assisted by the CDBG, HOME, SHIP, NSP or any other local, state or federal funding provided by the City of Miramar.