Legal Issues

Shade trees are protected because the county and city ordinances value the benefits they provide.

Fines & Citations

The City of Miramar makes provisions for the proper maintenance and care for trees in Chapter 9 of the city’s Land Development Code where it stipulates that to remove or alter the natural character of these trees is against the law, allowing the city or county to exercise their right to cite and fine these individuals or homeowner associations who infringe on this policy even on private property.

Depending on the severity of the infraction, fines can be as high as $15,000 as per the Broward County’s ordinance. In addition, a replacement for any tree that has been removed without permission may require an equal per inch replacement for the removed tree costing the homeowner or homeowner’s association a minimum of $300.


Proper tree and palm maintenance mandated by the city constitutes proper watering, proper fertilization, and proper tree pruning.

Recently, the Broward County Board of County Commissioners adopted an ordinance regulating the tree trimming industry. This action was taken as a result of concerns about the quality of tree trimming practiced in the county, and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.

All businesses or governmental agencies that perform tree trimming in Broward County are required to obtain a Tree Trimmer License, and to be overseen by a certified arborist.

Helpful Resources

CivicCall Code Compliance: Input, track complaints, concerns, questions - 954-602-HELP
Code Compliance Main Phone Number - 954-602-3174