3700 Lakeside Drive Future Land Use Plan
An application to amend the City’s Future Land Use Map was recently submitted for residential development at 3700 Lakeside Drive. The application is proposing 300 apartment units. The amendment process is expected to take 12 months with public hearings by the City Commission and County Commission. The subject property is approximately 11 acres, which qualifies the LUPA as a small-scale amendment per Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. Per the aforementioned Florida Statutes, a small-scale development amendment may be adopted if the proposed amendment involves a use of 50 acres or less. A link to the statutes shall be linked below under “Reference Links.”
The Future Land Use Map is part of the City’s Comprehensive Plan, which is required by the State of Florida, under Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. In addition to maintaining consistency with State Law, the City’s Comprehensive Plan must be consistent with the Broward County Land Use Plan. Broward County will be reviewing the amendment to their plan.
This application has not been scheduled for review by the Planning and Zoning Board. After staff completes their review through the Development Review Committee process, the application will be scheduled for the Planning and Zoning Board for the recommendation to the City Commission. Please see below for the details on the process. The applicant has not submitted zoning and site plan applications at this time.
In order to voice your opinion on the subject amendment, please email PLANNING&ZONING@miramarfl.gov. All concerns and input will be recorded by the Planning Staff.